03.26.18: EWOD

A. Warmup
a. Dynamic Warmup
b. 4 x 200m Run / 30 Doubles / 10 Wallballs / 5 Pushups  

B: Core Work
a. 16 Turkish Getups
b. 35 TTB
c. 16 Turkish Getups


3 Rounds of AMRAP 4

Row for Calories

On the 0:00 – 15 Abmat Sit-Ups
On Minute 1 – 12 Abmat Sit-Ups
On Minute 2 – 9 AbMat Sit-Ups
On Minute 3 – 6 Abmat Sit-ups

Rest 2 minutes between each round

Score- Total Meter Rowed per Round

D: Cooldown- 800m Run or 5 minutes on the TrueForm 

03.07.18 EWOD

A. Warmup
a. Dynamic Warmup
b. 4 Rounds 250m Row/ 10 Cal Bike

B. Core Work
a. 14 Turkish Getups
b. 50 Ab Mat Situps
c. 14 Turkish Getups

C. EMOM for 16 minutes

Minute 1: 5 Wallballs (20#/14#) and 5 Burpees
Minute 2: 12 Box Jumps (24"/20")
Minute 3: 5 Power Snatches (75#/55#) and 5 Overhead Squats (75#/55#)
Minute 4: 15/12 Calorie Row

Score is number of rounds competed 

D. Cooldown-
a. 5 Minutes on True Form Runner

03.03.18: EWOD

"Robs Burn"

Teams of 2ppl

AMRAP 8 mins
3 Rounds Each
30 Doubles
10 Shoulders To Overhead (75#/55#)
5 Box Jump Overs
Once rounds are complete- Max Calorie Row

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP 6 mins
2 Rounds Each
30 Doubles
10 Shoulders To Overhead (75#/55#)
5 Box Jump Overs
Once rounds are complete- Max Calorie Row

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 4 mins
2 Round each
30 Doubles
10 Shoulders To Overhead (75#/55#)
5 Box Jump Overs
Once rounds are complete- Max Calorie Row

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 2 mins
Max Calorie Row

Total Score is Total Calories rowed each round all added up

Partners must tag out each round

02.11.18: EWOD


AMRAP 5 minutes
30m Walking Lunge with Dumbbell (35#/25#)
50 Sit-ups
Max Calorie Row

Rest 5 minutes

"Speedy Elizabeth"
Squat Cleans (95#/65#)

Rest 5 minutes

30m Walking Lunge with Dumbbell (35#/25#)
50 Sit-ups
Max Calorie Row

Score is the total time to complete all three (3) workouts with rest included

Record your max calories and Speedy Elizabeth times in the notes