08.28.17: Running WOD

A. Warmup- 400m Run and Running Drills

B. "Three Mile Challenge"

1 Mile Run.

At 10 minute mark start 2nd mile run.

At 20 minute mark start 3rd mile.

Take whatever rest you have if you run each mile under 10 minutes.  If you do not complete the mile run under 10 minutes take 10 minutes rest and try again at the 20 minute mark.

Record the time at the end of each mile run

C. Cooldown- 4 x 250m Row/50 Situps


08.12.17: EWOD "Trinity"

Teams of 3

200m Weighted Team Run

100 Deadlifts (185#/135#)

400m Banded Team Run

80 Hang Power Cleans (135#/95#)

600m Weighted Team Run

60 Back Squats (135#/95#)

800m Banded Team Run

40 Push Jerks (115#/85#)

1000m Weighted Team Run

20 Front Squats (115#/85#)

1200m Banded Team Run

Weighted team run means team must carry the weight of its's heaviest member.

Banded team run means that the team must all be tied together with stretching bands.

08.09.17: EWOD

A. Warmup- 4 rounds of 100m Row with 40 doubles

Running Drills

B. "CT Cheese Curd's"

5 Rounds for Time

400m Run

7 Stone to Shoulder (95#/65#)

7 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30"/24")

Athletes much do a Stone to Shoulder then a Burpee Box Jump Over each time not 7 Stones and 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs.

C. Cooldown- 1000m Row with 25 ab mat setups and 10 walking lunges every 250 meters


08.07.17: Running WOD

A. Warmup- Running Drills and Starting Sprints

B. 6 x 800m Run Every 5 Minutes

Athletes have to complete 800m Run within a 5 minute time cap.  The athlete rests whatever time they have remaining until the next round starts and the 5 minute mark.  If the athlete fails to complete the 800m run within the 5 minute time cap then they rest one round and try to complete it the following round.  

C. Cooldown- 1000m Row with 25 Situps every 250 meters


07.26.17: Running WOD

A. 5K Trail Race

The Somers Summer Series is a fun, family friendly, weekly 5k race series taking place at Field Road Park! A great way to get in shape for the Somers Great Escape. Race proceeds support the continued improvement of the fitness trail at Field Road Park.

When: Wednesday nights, beginning July 12 to August 9, 2017
Time: Registration opens at 5:15 P.M. / Race starts at 6:15 P.M.
Place: Field Road Park – 96 Field Road, Somers, CT 06071
Entry Fee: Adults – $5 (Cash at the door), Children 10 & Under – Free, with running adult!

07.22.17: Saturday EWOD

"Danger Zone"

Teams of 2ppl For Time

10 Rounds of 3 Thrusters (95#/65#)/6 Front Rack Lunges/9 Air Squats

1600m Run/Row (Each partner must do 800m Run and 800m Row)

8 Rounds of 3 Thrusters (115#/80#)/6 Front Rack Lunges/9 Air Squats

1200m Run/Row (Each partner must do 600m Run and 600m Row)

6 Rounds of 3 Thrusters (135#/95#)/6 Front Rack Lunges/9 Air Squats

800m Run/Row (Each partner must do 400m Run and 400m Row)

*Partners rotate each round and alternate movements during run/row*